Monday, August 23, 2010

Setiap harimu adalah hari istimewa

Sahabatku membuka laci tempat istrinya menyimpan
pakaian dalam dan membuka bungkusan berbahan sutra
"Ini, ......", dia berkata, "Bukan bungkusan yang
asing lagi". Dia membuka kotak itu dan memandang
pakaian dalam sutra serta kotaknya. "Istriku
mendapatkan ini ketika pertama kali kami pergi ke New
York, 8 atau 9 tahun yang lalu. Dia tidak pernah
mengeluarkan bungkusan ini. Karena menurut dia, hanya
akan digunakan untuk kesempatan yang istimewa.

Dia melangkah dekat tempat tidur dan meletakkan
bungkusan hadiah didekat pakaian yang dia pakai ketika
pergi ke pemakaman. Istrinya baru saja meninggal.
Dia menoleh padaku dan berkata :

Aku masih berpikir bahwa kata-kata itu akhirnya
mengubah hidupku. Sekarang aku lebih banyak membaca
dan mengurangi bersih-bersih. Aku duduk di sofa tanpa
khawatir tentang apapun. Aku meluangkan waktu lebih
banyak bersama keluargaku dan mengurangi waktu
bekerjaku. Aku mengerti bahwa kehidupan seharusnya
menjadi sumber pengalaman supaya bisa hidup, tidak
semata-mata supaya bisa survive (bertahan hidup) saja.

Aku tidak berlama-lama menyimpan sesuatu. Aku
menggunakan gelas-gelas kristal setiap hari. Aku akan
mengenakan pakaian baru untuk pergi ke Supermarket,
jika aku menyukainya. Aku tidak menyimpan parfum
specialku untuk kesempatan istimewa, aku
menggunakannya kemanapun aku menginginkannya.
Kata-kata "Suatu hari " dan Satu saat nanti
....."sudah lenyap dari kamusku. Jika dengan melihat,
mendengar dan melakukan sesuatu ternyata bisa menjadi
berharga, aku ingin melihat, mendengar atau
melakukannya sekarang.

Aku ingin tahu apa yang dilakukan oleh istri temanku
apabila dia tahu dia tidak akan ada di sana pagi
berikutnya, ini yang tak seorangpun mampu
mengatakannya. Aku berpikir, dia mungkin sedang
menelepon rekan-rekannya serta sahabat terdekatnya.
Barangkali juga dia menelpon teman lama untuk berdamai
atas perselisihan yang pernah mereka lakukan. Aku suka
berpikir bahwa dia mungkin pergi makan Martabak
Spesial, makanan favoritnya. Semua ini adalah hal-hal
kecil yang mungkin akan aku sesali jika tak aku
lakukan, jika aku tahu waktu sudah dekat.

Aku akan menyesalinya, karena aku tidak akan lebih
lama lagi melihat teman-teman yang akan aku temui,
juga surat-surat yang ingin aku tulis Suatu hari
nanti". Aku akan menyesal ! dan merasa sedih, karena
aku tidak sempat mengatakan betapa aku mencintai
orangtuaku, saudara-saudaraku dan teman2ku.
Sekarang, aku mencoba untuk tidak menunda atau
menyimpan apapun yang bisa membuatku tertawa dan bisa
membuatku menikmati hidup. Dan, setiap pagi, aku
berkata kepada diriku sendiri bahwa hari ini akan
menjadi hari istimewa. Setiap hari, setiap jam, setiap
menit, adalah istimewa.

Apabila kamu mendapatkan pesan ini, itu karena
seseorang peduli padamu, dan karena mungkin ada
seseorang yang kamu pedulikan. Jika kamu terlalu sibuk
untuk mengirimkan pesan ini kepada orang lain dan kamu
berkata kepada dirimu sendiri bahwa kamu akan
mengirimkannya "Suatu saat nanti", ingatlah bahwa
"Suatu saat" itu sangat jauh ....... Dan mungkin tidak
akan pernah datang .

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Broken Heart - Be Taught On How To Make The Right Choices

Heart can be damaged, but it can also heal. What you must remember is that, when it comes to heartbreak, there's no better way of training them, but through experience. Do not be afraid of what had happened that led to your heart's broken, in turn, learn from the events that caused it. If you want to learn to heal to heal a broken heart, you only need to read further.

Keep Your Mind Busy

When a broken heart, you feel completely lost, and your mind just goes on and on about what happened. Give yourself a break from suffering, and feed your mind with something new and challenging. Involved in learning a new skill, or improve yourself have major consequences on the state of your mind. Sooner than you think, you will no longer thinking about the love you lost, and you'll concentrate on the task at hand.


The way we feel strongly influenced by hormones produced in our bodies. There is happiness hormones that are released in your bloodstream when we exercise, that is why it is highly recommended to introduce physical activity in your daily routine. You will be able to heal a broken heart faster, if you keep yourself healthy and you exercise every day.

Constructive Behavior

negative feelings can be really difficult to carry around all the time. That is why, if you want to place your order chaotic emotions, that's ok to vent them. Try constructive behavior, to change, and avoiding excessive crying, or overindulging in bad habits, like drinking and eating candy. For example, you can write poetry or paint something to express themselves.


Usually in life, is very useful to have a failsafe. This means, every time you feel down, or confused, or you need to heal the brokenhearted, to engage in such activities that help pass the time, until the hard times end. Because it does not serve to keep your eye on the clock, it's better to feel your time with something fun, that will take your mind of negative things.

How To Balance Your Work And Your Life With Ease

Too often we become caught up in the doing of every day life and we forget that it is meant to be enjoyed. Establishing a system for ease will help you to put the fun back into your life. The following are six systems will help you identify and create your ideal career and live your ideal life with a lot more energy and productivity on a daily basis.

1) Establish a System for Empowerment

If you are not happy with any aspect of your current life, you must begin by identifying and fulfilling your lifes purpose. The key is to create a purpose for your life that is so inspiring, so compelling that you feel empowered to fulfil it. Once you have identified your purpose ask yourself how you can turn this into your ideal career.

To identify your life purpose, ask yourself the following questions:

When you were a child, what dreams did you have for your future? What did you want to be, do and have when you grew up?

What would you be, do and have if you had all the time and money you ever needed and you had to use your talents to give back to society?

2) Establish a System for Efficiency

Your time is precious. How you choose to spend your time is entirely up to you but wouldnt you prefer to spend it on things that are meaningful to you, things that fill you with satisfaction, that add value to your life, that make you feel fulfilled? If time were money, would you be spending it on some of the things that you currently do every day or would you invest it more wisely?

The keys to getting greater results from your time is effective planning and knowing how to prioritise. By identifying your real priorities you will achieve more. Deliberately focus 80 percent of your energy on the tasks that are most important to you and the other 20 percent on the urgent, less important tasks.

3) Establish a System for Elimination

A system for elimination gives you the means to remove toxins and unnecessary clutter from your life. Toxins can be mental, emotional, spiritual or physical and often come in the form of addictions and unfinished business. Unfinished business can be anything that you have started but not finished; this traps energy in the past. If you do not have 100 percent of your energy available in the present you will not be as productive as you can possibly be.

Some simple tips to help you remove toxins from your life include:

Write a list of all your unfinished business and complete all of it within the next seven days.
Remove toxic thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours from your mind by focusing on what you do want in your life, not on what you do not want.
De-clutter and simplify your life, tidy your house, car, garage, wardrobe, office and so on. Eliminate any old energy that no longer serves you.

Establish a System for Exercise

Performing some form of exercise on a daily basis will provide you with so many benefits, both physically and psychologically. Physically, exercise improves your aerobic and anaerobic fitness; muscle strength; power, flexibility and tone; energy levels; sex drive; sleep quality and insulin levels (which helps to reduce sugar cravings). Psychologically, exercise improves your confidence and self-esteem, feelings of well-being and stress levels.

It is important to incorporate a balanced combination of different types of exercise into your routine, including:

Resistance exercise, such as weight training, which increases your muscle strength and tone as well as your bone density (to reduce your risk of injury).
Cardio vascular exercise, such as aerobic or anaerobic training, to increase the efficiency of your heart and lungs and reduce your body fat levels.
Flexibility exercise, such as regular stretching to improve your posture, to help you to recover from exercise faster and to reduce your risk of injury.

An effective exercise program should be developed around three to six thirty minute sessions per week. For example:

Day Exercise Type Program Type
Monday, Weights:Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Tuesday, Cardio:Intervals and Stretch
Wednesday, Weights:Legs and Abdominals
Thursday, Cardio:Intervals and Stretch
Friday, Weights Back and Biceps:
Saturday, Resistance/Flexibility:Abdominals and Stretch
Sunday, Rest/Reward day

Did you know there are 336 half hours in a week?

Only six of those half hours are required to get the best possible results from your exercise, thats only 1.75 percent of your week!

5) Establish a System for Eating

To gain the maximum benefit from any exercise program combine your physical activity with high quality nutrition. The following is one system that works for many people:

Eat 5-6 smaller meals per day.

Two-thirds of your plate should be plant (or natural) food.

Incorporate six to eight servings of different fruits and vegetables into your menu every day.

Avoid eating carbohydrates after 6pm.

Make sure you eat breakfast every day.

The ideal breakfast should be high in fibre and low in sugar, for example a low-sugar cereal, porridge or multi-grain toast.

Try to consume low Glycemic Index (GI) foods.

Reduce your caffeine, alcohol and junk food intake.

Drink 2-3 litres of purified water per day

Prepare your weekly menu plan and shopping list before you go shopping and never shop on an empty stomach.

Have a day off each week and eat whatever you like!

6) Establish a System for Evaluation

Evaluation is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of any work / life balance process. Constant feedback keeps you on track to achieve your goals, without it you may never arrive at your destination. Evaluate your progress daily and weekly to keep you accountable for the direction you have chosen and ensure that you are evolving on a daily basis.

If you implement even one of the systems above you are well on your way towards achieving an excellent balance between your work and your life. Congratulations, I hope you enjoy meeting the new, more balanced you.

Every breath you take

Maintaining a relaxed mind and body is easy if you have the tools and knowledge. All too often we get caught up in life’s every day stresses. Being able to control stress is important to our overall wellbeing.

Changing your breathing is one way to change how you feel, instead of doing nothing and fretting. It can be a practical “tool” to utilize when you are feeling anxious.

We don’t very often think about how we breathe – its just something that we automatically “do”. Changing your breathing can instantly affect your mental, physical and emotional state.

However as anyone who suffers from anxiety knows all too well, it is also important to address the thinking patterns that underlie the behaviors that contribute to their emotional state.

I just spent a wonderful relaxed weekend at the lake. It was so refreshing to sit and empty my mind and watch the lapping water, free from everyday distractions and stress. I wish I could bottle that experience and take it by the spoonful whenever things get a bit “heavy”. Breathing is one way to find that experience.

Calm CDAt Tri-City Psychology Services our psychologists often recommend breathing exercises to clients who are receiving therapy for anxiety/panic related disorders, so it was useful to be given the opportunity to review Sarah Casey Connell’s ‘s CD “Calm”(this is not an affiliate link). Sara had a regular column in “In Balance Magazine” and her CD “Calm”© was released last year. She’s appeared on Chicago’s Healing Arts television show and is now FOX Chicago’s sex/relationship/lifestyle expert. In her CD Sarah guides us through breathing exercises and sound meditation specifically designed to transition from a stressful mode to more balance.

The CD is 45 minutes long, and is divided into three parts: the first part concentrates on grounding calming and relaxing and is good to use at the beginning of the day.The second part is effective when find yourself absolutely overwhelmed , or are feeling a deep sense of inner turmoil. The third part is good to practice before you take a nap or go to bed when you really want to be deeply relaxed .

With practice you will be able to pick and choose the meditations you like best and decide when to apply them, and not get too hung up on the idea that you have to master them all at once.

Clients who have been practicing her breathing techniques have in the main responded positively, and are learning how to apply those newly learned skills to the unwelcome emotions that have brought them into therapy in the first place.